Poll of a Billion Monkeys

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Glair - The Ways of the World

The Glair - The Ways of the World

Observing current events in Cuba, China and the Middle East has re-stimulated questions on which I have worked and pondered a long time. So I'm going to present them here for you the reader to see what, if any, answers you might suggest.

Is it better and/or more effective to crush a tyranny by infiltration and investment, or by boycott and blockade?

What are some of the benefits and liabilities of both approaches?

Is the method situationally dependent or do certain universal factors make one approach more likely to succeed than the other approach?

How would you best approach an attempt at the destruction or overthrow of a corrupt and autocratic regime by infiltration?
How would you best approach an attempt at the destruction or overthrow of a corrupt and autocratic regime by isolation?

Should both approaches be employed, either sequentially or simultaneously? If so, why, and how?
Is there a third option or another approach which I have overlooked?

Can the same kind of approach(es) be effective when employed against ideologies (instead of regimes or governments), such as religious, political, scientific, national, psychological, sociological and cultural fanaticism?
If so, how?

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